Career Clarity for Introverts & HSPs

A Course To Uncover the “Best Use of You.”

I know you have natural gifts and a purpose, but sometimes knowing those things can be murky. Not to mention the whole work thing can feel exhausting or demoralizing. It doesn’t have to be like that. 

This is a course to help you find your best career or business direction — and feel more hopeful, confident, and calm along the way.

It’s especially designed for introverts and highly sensitive people (HSPs) because we have particular concerns about our work, such as our need for more meaning and less stress.

Simple equity-based pricing available down to $0.

Stuck in the hallway?

Who, What, How

It can be hard to figure out what would work for your career or business by yourself. The financial stability piece adds another layer of stress. 

The good news is there are doable steps to find your way, feel more confident about it, and stay resilient in changing times.

I’ll teach you the steps to uncover “the best use of you” in this Career Clarity Course. The program has self-paced video lessons and twice-monthly live call opportunities. You’ll come away with fresh career ideas customized to what could work for you.

I’ve incorporated my years of experience as a career and business coach into this, and I’m excited to share that with you in a budget-friendly way.

I’m including a diverse range of voices to tell honest stories of how they found their path. You’ll love this part.

Thank you so much for this course. It helped me to get more direction to my career and it helped me also grow as a person. I feel so grateful that I found you!”

~ Sandra (self-employed, now with more confidence and clarity)

This course is for you if you're wondering:

  • How do I even know what I want to do?
  • Is there hope for me?
  • How do I know what will work now for my career or business?
  • What if my ideas feel impossible or wacky?
  • Is there a viable path for me that won’t lead to exhaustion or overwhelm?
  • What is actually going to matter now, given the wonky world?
  • Can I really make a difference and still make a healthy living (without exhausting myself)?
  • What if I try something new and mess up in front of everyone?

We will answer these questions, and more.

You'll come away with more clarity on the best use of you, and *hope* about finding where you best fit.

Rose’s Experience with the Course:
7 Career Stories shared openly inside the course.

Diverse Voices Inside the Course

You’ll hear from 7 people who have found their purpose and a career path that lights them up. They have been where you are.

They are mostly introverts and/or highly sensitive people. You can see their warmth and wisdom in these photos of them.

They share openly about what it took to find their way and how it’s going now. They are finding ways to bring multiple interests together. 

Their roles include therapist/ retreat leader, non-profit leader, biotech mentor/leader, artist/ massage therapist, leadership coach and trainer, accountant/ celebrant, and one who is finding her purpose in retirement. They come from different backgrounds, fields, ages (30s–60s), and locations.

You’ll love this part! The wisdom they offer is priceless. 

In this course, you will get...

  • 10 Discovery Lessons.
    Each step has a video lesson and a worksheet. You’ll also get email guidance to keep you motivated. By the end, you’ll have created your own Clarity Dashboard, with your key insights and goals, to guide you forward.
  • Live group calls, 2x/month, for 3 months.
    Live group calls provide a chance to ask me questions, discuss worries, and connect with like-minded people. You can also ask questions between calls. You aren’t in this alone!
  • Fresh career ideas that fit who you are.
    I can help you generate fresh career and business ideas for you, that you might not have thought of.
  • Inspirational stories and hope.
    I’ve included 7 inspiring case study interviews with people from diverse backgrounds and fields, about finding their path. 
  • A big boost in confidence.
    It’s amazing what a boost this process is to your confidence — and how much of a difference that makes!

Plus, you can get a discounted private consult in order to get a sticky area resolved quickly and easily. ($100 off, or more.)

Imagine how amazing it will be if you could feel clear and confident about your career direction in only a short time away. It can happen.

step by step

About Val, Your Instructor

I’ve been a self-employed career and business coach for over 15 years, helping people who want both practical and meaningful work that fits.

I’m a highly sensitive introvert and I specialize in helping introverts and/or highly sensitive people (HSPs). I understand about managing energy needs as part of your career choice.

Along my way, I have developed an organic and inviting system for finding the best use of you. Now I’m sharing this system more broadly through this course.

I’ve used my training and experience in adult learning to design a course that will be as easy as possible for you.

Val Nelson - coach for introverts and HSPs
Atina on Zoom

About My Co-conspirator, Atina

I’ve got a wonderful co-conspirator for some parts of the course. Atina White is a life and leadership coach specializing in coaching women and people of color, and she is bi-racial. She’s also an introvert and HSP like me.

In the course, she shares some of her story and her perspective on career choices, self-employment, inner critic, and work-life balance.

I gained a deeper understanding of what I have to offer and confidence that I can find work that suits me and draws on my strengths. Exceeded my expectations. Recommended. Fantastic course. Thank you!

~ Jenna G.

I feel better about myself and my future than I have in a long time. This course provided useful tools for gaining clarity, plus it was really fun! Val has a wonderfully calming manner that makes you feel better about life the second you hear her voice.”

~ Devan (now moving into a new career and glowing more than ever)

Cost and How To Join

Creating this course is my way of creating a way to get career help without spending a lot. 

The amount of value in this course for the price was astounding. At a time when I couldn’t afford full-on coaching or an expensive course, this gave me an incredible tool box to draw from and a boost to my confidence that means more than anything!” ~ course participant

You get to choose the rate that applies to you.

All options include the same program benefits described above – including 3 months of live group calls, and long-term access to the lessons. (No “proof” needed for any option.)


The standard rate.


for 3 months


Available if you need a break.


for 3 months

Reparations/ No-cost

Available for those who are Black and/or Indigenous in North America, as a step towards reparations.


Money back guarantee within 30 days of purchase if not satisfied after trying at least the Course Overview lesson.

Frequently Asked Questions

You’ll learn the inside story on how anyone can discover the path that will be the best fit for you, including both practical and inner concerns. Yes, we will address these unpredictable times and how to avoid overwhelm.

Sounds like a big promise, but it will make sense once you get through the first week of the course.

As an introvert and highly sensitive person, and a specialist in helping others like me, all my courses have our sensibilities in mind, so you won’t be forced to do things that don’t fit who you are.

I’ve developed and refined these steps over my time as a career and business coach. This system has been working for me and my clients — for our hearts, bodies, minds, and livelihood needs, even while the externals keep changing.

You can get a taste of the course by taking my free Tiny Course: Roadmap to Your Career Sweet Spot for Sensitive Souls.

The course contains about 8-10 hours of material (including videos and worksheets), and there are fast track ways to do it too.

There are also opportunities to attend live group calls for 3 months, for questions and camaraderie.

I recommend doing the course over 8 to 12 weeks, to allow some breathing room. But you can go faster or slower based on whatever pace works for you.

I’ll help you make it through. I’m available for questions and support.

For motivation, I include incentives to get it done within 3 months. But you retain access to the course long term.


People who have taken the course and only do some parts of it have told me it was still well worth it. They gained important insights for making better career and business decisions and gained confidence in themselves.

If you have less time than the 8–10 hours for the full course, there’s a Fast Track option outlined inside the course, to help you find the most critical pieces, to get through in about 3 or 4 hours.

One of the hours in the Fast Track would be a private call with me (at a separate, discounted price).

Even if you only do the Fast Track, you’ll gain hope and important insights to make your road easier.

You’ll have an opportunity to attend live group calls with me. There are two group calls per month and you can attend for THREE months. So you can feel supported and connected, ask questions and learn from each others’ questions and experiences.

In the video above, Rose describes how it felt to join the live group calls.

Dates/times of the gatherings are weekdays within 10am-4pm Eastern time USA.  

Typical times are:
Thursdays at 11 AM Eastern time / 8 AM Pacific / 4 PM GMT
Tuesdays at 2 PM Eastern time / 11 AM Pacific / 7PM GMT

Some parts of career clarity can get stuck when you’re trying to do it without outside input, so I built in a big discount for an add-on coaching session.

Your worries, past experiences, and confidence issues can get in the way of hope and clarity, and a coaching session can be just the thing for a big boost in clarity and confidence.

Many course participants grab this opportunity for a big discount and they tell me the session made a big difference for them. We can do a lot in one session!


To help encourage you not to save up your discounted session too long, I’m offering a discounted session if purchased within 60 days of enrolling in the course. 

Discounted rates are $117–197 per session. (A la carte sessions are normally $297.)

This course will give you tools so that you’ll be able to more easily resolve concerns such as:

  • If your current income streams are not supporting you adequately and you need a fresh look at your direction.
  • If your work is exhausting but you’re unsure what to adjust, or nervous to make changes.
  • Wanting more confidence and ease with your business decisions and marketing.
  • If your work isn’t feeling meaningful enough.
  • If your current line of work feels like a compromise and is not feeling true to you.

This course is about getting you ready to make good choices related to your work in the world, such as a clearer direction for your job search or a more clear direction for your business.

It’s NOT going to cover the specifics for the possible avenues you might take, such as how to find a new job, how to start a business, or similar. It will help you prepare for this and be more confident for those.

We’re focusing here on uncovering your best direction. I provide other options for where to find some concrete help from there.

Knowing with more clarity and confidence about what direction to pursue is an essential first step before you look for work or choose plans for a business. Everything goes more smoothly from there.

If you’re already clear and confident on your direction, you don’t need this course. Other options for support are here.

If you have ideas of what you want and it might involve self-employment, learn how that works in my other course: Could I Leave My 9-5? Self-employment Intro Course.

I am aware that I have white privilege and many areas yet to understand, so I continue to work on awakening and staying open to feedback, with as much humility as I can. I’m deeply committed to anti-racism, anti-sexism, and inclusion of all kinds. I’m not new to the work but I’m not perfect either.

I’m purposely including a diverse range of people in the perspectives you’ll hear from in this course, including diversity of race, age, ability, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, and country of origin.

I also have a co-teacher for parts of this course. She specializes in coaching women and women of color, and she is African American and Swedish American.
I always welcome your feedback and suggestions and am committed to being non-defensive.

You can learn more about my Inclusion, Equity, Antiracism, and Reparations Commitment here.

In terms of income level inclusion, that’s part of why I created a course at all, to have more budget-friendly options than just coaching. Even at the standard rate, it is kept on the low end. Thanks for understanding I’m doing the best I can, with much thought put into it.

Perhaps you’re on this page because you’re hungry for some refreshing clarity anew, even if you already figured it out before.

This course will help you reconnect to your deeper purpose, remember your strengths and values, and to consider it all in today’s context and what makes sense now.

Even if you choose the same thing again, it will be with more conviction and confidence to move ahead.

You’ll also gain a sense of camaraderie with kindred spirits on this journey.

It’s up to you if this resonates for you at this time. Your heart knows best.

I get it. I have the same worry about taking online classes! Because of that, I tried to think through creative ways to help you stay with it. First by making it engaging and interactive.

Also, I’ve built in support from me, plus opportunities to connect for camaraderie. (Kindred spirit connection makes a huge difference!) 

I’ve also built in some incentives to nudge you to get it done within 3 months. For instance, you get access to the live group calls for 3 months and they are very motivational. And other incentives too.

They are similar in these ways:

  1. We are walking through similar methods to reach your career clarity goal.
  2. There’s individualized support available (although much more so with coaching).

Here are some key differences:

This course has these benefits over coaching:

  1. Lower price.
  2. Work on lessons on your own schedule.
  3. Great for people who enjoy do-it-yourself.
  4. It’s available anytime, even when Val’s coaching calendar or groups might be full.

Career coaching has these benefits over the course:

  1. It’s easier to make progress with more specific guidance on board with you.
  2. Built-in accountability structure so that it really gets done.
  3. A more customized approach to your situation.
  4. We can use methods that are easier than do-it-yourself methods. Doing some guided exercises together, to help draw out your true clarity, is just easier.

You can combine the two! Such as:

  1. Some people take the course and then add in a private session, or more, to get unstuck, when needed. (The course comes with a discount on one private session booked within 2 months of enrolling in the course.)
  2. Some people first take the course and then see Val for the next steps in their career or business journey. Thus finding a more economical approach overall.

Here’s what will be different than using a career book on your own:

  1. This is specific to introverts and HSPs throughout. Our energy is a big factor in finding our clarity so the first step is about energy and self-care to help along the way.
  2. You can ask me clarification questions at any point along the way.
  3. You can attend live group calls to discuss your situation.
  4. You’ll be able to book a private session with a big discount for course participants, to get something unstuck, or go over what you’ve learned and how to draw on what you’ve discovered into some decision-making. 
  5. It includes a variety of video case studies with people about how they found their path, thus bringing things more to life.
  6. A supportive course like this is a nice sweet spot between going it completely alone with a book and investing in coaching. 
  7. I continue to update the course, unlike a book.

Any Questions? Concerns? Feedback?

Use the form below to send me a note. I’ll get back to you shortly.  Thank you.

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