Groups and Communities
Especially for Introverts and HSPs
If you want that seemingly impossible blend of sustainability, fulfillment, and balance in your work life, it’s easy to get impatient, lonely, or confused along the way.
Having understanding from kindred spirits and individualized practical guidance can help bring clarity and calm.
I offer group programs designed especially for introverts and highly sensitive people (HSPs). You can learn more via the doorways below.
Before joining Val’s group, I had been trying to go it alone, with a lot of effort and force. Now I have this web of support that’s built in, and it’s so incredibly helpful. Also, Val has made what has felt so hard for me in the past – things like business content creation and visibility – feel so much easier and enjoyable.”
~ Stacy Kellogg, Life and Leadership Coach, and HSP Extrovert.

Stronger Together
I’m a big believer in the power of genuine community, for more ease, more effectiveness, and more joy. All along the way.
I love facilitating groups that combine these essential ingredients:
- Individualized practical guidance and support
- Learning
- Kindred spirit camaraderie
- Calming energy
Kindred Spirit Communities To Choose From:
Heart-centered solopreneurs mastermind group for coaches and similar professionals.
No more loneliness or decision fatigue because we’re in it together. ▶️
Getting the right work done, with more flow. Co-working, quarterly planning, and community. For solopreneurs and people exploring their next path. ▶️
Short-term Learning Group Programs
You can join one of these group courses anytime.
Guided support through energizing steps to find the best use of you. Includes small group calls for 3 months.
Learn how self‑employment can work in calming ways, not like a scary cliff. Includes small group calls for 2 months.