Blog for Introverts & HSPs

breaking free - image of a bird flying out of bird cage

Career Transition as an HSP: 5 Steps to Make It Easier

Career change can be especially hard for highly sensitive people (HSPs). To be sure, we can also be good at it. As a career coach for HSPs, I’ve got some practical steps to help HSPs manage career transition stress and thrive in the process.

I remember staying in a job for years past when all my friends were saying I should get out. For one thing, I couldn’t see past the stress and exhaustion I was buried in. Because of all.the.reasons, it’s hard to break free even when you’re tired of it.

I’ll explain why career transition can be extra hard on HSPs and how tapping your HSP strengths can make it easier for you. Imagine breaking free of the career cage you might be in.

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Photo of Val and Christie - Connection time with my HSP nichemate.

Caring Solopreneurs + Social Media = Mismatch

If you’re trying to grow a solopreneur business with primarily social media, thinking that’s THE way to do it, I believe you will be sadly disappointed. Too many service-based solopreneurs think social media should be the center of their marketing and that’s a mistake for your energy and why you’re here.

It’s not a failure of your services if it doesn’t bring in enough business. It’s just reality.

Perhaps this will come as a relief to think of less social media, especially for my people (HSPs and introverts). But then what?

Instead: it’s about relationships of trust. I’ll explain what I mean.

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little reminders to trust your instincts.

How to know what your heart wants

You might have heard the message to listen to your heart, or tune in inside. But how?

It can seem tricky at first to hear your own heart’s knowing, but then it can be quite easy too.

People with the high sensitivity trait (HSPs) can easily tune in to others’ feelings, and they are very capable of hearing their own inner signals too, but it can get drowned out by sensing so many things at once.

I’ve got 3 simple ways for you to hear your own knowing.

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my work is too draining

Is your career too draining?

It might not feel like it right now, but work can be energizing and fulfilling, even for introverts and HSPs. There is a way. Here are 3 paths to find your way to your right career path.

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