
Can I grow my business without doing things I hate?

Can I grow my business without doing things I hate?

resistingSometimes I have avoided growing my business because I equated growth (unconsciously) with having to do things I didn’t want to do — like pushy marketing, learning new (scary) technology, getting more disciplined, or working longer hours.

I think those thoughts held me back many times: Oh I’ll just stay cozy, and I’m really fine with earning less for now.

When I see these thoughts happening for some of my clients, then I realize how sneaky these thoughts can be for so many of us, including myself.

At the same time as wanting to grow our businesses for more financial stability and more impact, another part resists and inevitably the business stays in a plateau. This inner conflict is pretty common especially for women business owners, introverts, and highly sensitive people (HSPs).

This begs the question:

CAN I grow the business without all the yuck?

For real, can you grow a business to a reasonable size without selling out or exhausting yourself or doing things that are just not the life you want?!! “Tell me the answer!”

For starters, what comes up when you ask yourself:
Do I believe that growing my business requires doing things I hate?

Listen inside for a moment to see what comes.
And then what else comes in response to the first thought?

Try replacing any “I can’t” message inside to “I wonder what’s possible.”
Maybe growth is possible without the yuck.

I have come to believe…

  1. Pushy marketing required?
    Definitely not.
    For evidence and ideas: a calm way for business.
  2. New technology required?
    A little bit can be helpful for growth, but it does not have to take over your life.
    Setup is time-consuming (with help is ideal), but then it’s time-saving!
    One baby step at a time has worked wonders for me. Some of it is even fun now.
  3. More discipline required?
    It’s a nice idea for some, but doesn’t align with all personalities. 😮
    I tend to resist discipline myself (and that’s true of many INFPs like me). I get envious of those who are great at it. But I have found ways to get things done in a way that fits for me, but might look messy to more linear types. Co-working (working with camaraderie) helps me a lot.
  4. Longer hours required? 
    No. It can harm you and your business.
    Occasional, short-term white water periods in the river of life are normal (and sometimes fun), but it sure doesn’t work as a regular thing.
    Say no to overwhelm. Growth zone, yes. Overwhelm zone, no.

Rock: Don't allow fear to shadow your dreams.

Journal prompts you could try:

  1. If I were going to grow my business and have it be fun in the process, do I now want it to grow?
  2. When it does feel easy with my business, what’s happening?
  3. How could I apply the lessons of where it’s already easy to where it feels hard?


I’d love to hear your reactions to any of this. Is there something I didn’t mention that comes up as a dread for you? There’s a comments box below.

I’ve also got some related ideas to build this out below.

Picture of Val Nelson

Val Nelson

I’ve been a self-employed career/business/purpose coach since 2009. I help introverts and HSPs (like me) who want to make a difference — in a way that fits our energy and our practical needs too. ~ Val Nelson
Coaching | SOULpreneurs Circle | Courses | Newsletter | LinkedIn

I appreciate feedback, good and bad. You can comment below or email.

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