Feeling Stuck About Choosing a Niche or Not?
Wondering whether to choose a niche as a solopreneur, here’s my experience and how to find a middle ground, which could be a niche for now.
Wondering whether to choose a niche as a solopreneur, here’s my experience and how to find a middle ground, which could be a niche for now.
I have had too much angst about aging, and writing this post is helping me shake it off. I’m reclaiming all these gifts of aging such as growing wisdom.
Drop the word networking and the idea of “getting” something. Authentic connection feels better and works. Tips for introverts, HSPs, people with big hearts.
Too much effort, and we can burn out. Too little, and we can sell out on our life purpose and get depressed. I’ve done both. Here’s how I think of Right Effort today in my work life.
Vulnerability angst can seriously get in the way of our dreams if we’re not careful. Facing it is part of the job when self-employed. Some humor and help…
A heart-centered business, aligned with your caring values and a sense of balance, can be part of the solution in an out-of-balance world. Here’s what I mean, and how it can be easier and better.
Using bridge work to fill the gap is a great idea, but you’ve got to choose it well, to preserve energy for the bigger dream. Here’s a selection checklist.
People assume self-employment requires a big leap. A big leap is not that common. Here’s the behind-the-scenes reality – They often do bridge work.
Inside view on HSP superpowers for self-employment, and listen in on a conversation about it too. Also covers tips to avoid some of the challenges too.
A lot of business advice is geared for extroverts, and sensitive introverts can feel like misfits. Here’s my short story of making it work, as a sensitive introvert myself.
Includes career profiles of introverts and HSPs like you, and famous introverts who made a huge impact. Role models of balancing meaning, money, and energy needs.
Small business communities/ networking groups can offer kindred spirit connection (if it’s a good match), and can be an important source of referrals and ideas. 15 simple things to do, to make good use of your membership, without getting overwhelmed.
I’ll tell you exactly how I’ve been tuning in to my instincts even more and what’s happening. It’s simpler than it might seem, but the results are big: more calm, more effectiveness.
My recent shake-up story and how I found my footing again. I wrote up 7 ways that help me cope with uncertainty in business and life (including climate chaos). + Coping mantras.
The ultimate list of good careers for HSPs and introverts — PLUS how to access a list of custom career or business ideas for YOU.
Signs in nature today are reminding me it’s OK to release those shoulders, open up now. It helps when there are kindred spirits who help to make the path easier, just like geese flying in a V. Plus, a new group program to help you start a business, along with
You hear about side hustles or that you have to hustle to make it as an entrepreneur. It can be a turn off for introverts and HSPs. Hustle is NOT required. Here’s why the hustle idea is harmful, and what works better.
I explain my black swan logo as
Missing the easier path reminded me of how we keep using a stressful path in our career and business. The easier way is often right there.
Perfectionism is not a permanent trait. We can break free. Some facts and stories here. Plus: why introverts and highly sensitive people (HSPs) are more prone to perfectionism. My own recovering perfectionist story.
When work or life are already draining, it’s hard to find energy to work towards a career change such as considering self-employment. Here’s how real introverts and HSPs are making it work.
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Since 2009, I’ve had the honor of helping people to hear and activate their true callings. My clients are introverted and/or HSP women, like me.
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It might not feel like it right now, but work can be energizing and fulfilling, even for introverts and HSPs. There is a way. Here are 3 paths to find your way to your right career path.
Self-employment guidance especially for introverts and HSPs. So you can have the sustainable, meaningful, and calm life you crave.
Does it seem like everyone else has it figured out? Let me light the way for your exploration around career, life purpose, or self-employment.