
There is NOT one perfect career path for you. There are many options.

There is NOT one perfect career path for you. There are many options.

If you’re trying to find the perfect career for you, you should know: There is no one perfect career path for you. There are actually *many* good options that could work for you! This matters because…

Waiting for the one perfect thing to appear is a mindset block.

beacon in the distance
Yes to wading in the water to explore and keep gradually moving towards what is beckoning, but it’s not about waiting for the perfect thing to come.

The way forward is to explore who you are and then explore a few options that match who you are.

If you stay waiting without any action, your options *won’t* appear. Ya gotta wade in the water, but no cliff jumping required.

It’s in the exploration of who you are (strengths, values, purpose, personality, your definition of success…) that your many good options will begin to appear.

For instance, if you’re an introvert or highly sensitive person (HSP), you need to know about what that means in order to choose something that aligns with your energy and builds on those strengths. And yes those are strengths.

Many Career Options for You?

Yes, I believe there are many options that might align for you and that will come more clear when you know yourself and know what feels right to you.

The options might be things you’ve never heard of, or you didn’t realize would fit for you, or you didn’t realize was possible in your situation. But starting with the job search, from a limited mind place, won’t reveal these options.

The real question is not about finding your perfect career but whether the current path feels off and whether a new path feels right or good. And when the time comes that it starts feeling off because times change and life changes, it’s OK to tweak things or seek something better.

Part of why you might get stuck looking for the one perfect thing is because you’re afraid to choose wrong, again. I get it. “I have to get it right this time!”

It really is OK to change more than once. (It won’t ruin your resume.)

Going for better than the life-sucking job you might feel stuck in is smart, especially if it’s a bridge to something really good.

These might help:

Is this resonating? confusing?

What’s ringing true for you about this idea? What parts feel confusing about this? It would be helpful for me to hear your thoughts or experiences. Thanks!

I’ve got some related posts below to provide some career search guidance to find a good fit.

Picture of Val Nelson

Val Nelson

I’ve been a self-employed career/business/purpose coach since 2009. I help introverts and HSPs (like me) who want to make a difference — in a way that fits our energy and our practical needs too. ~ Val Nelson
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