
You Are Closer Than You Think

You Are Closer Than You Think

Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”
~Thomas Edison

The shore is there even when you can't see it through the fog.
The shore is there even when you can’t see it through the fog.

You’d be surprised how many people come to see me for career, business, or life guidance who are sure they are completely lost at sea in a fog, only to discover they were only a mile from shore.

And then there are often tears at the discovery — both for the relief, and for the grief — of having tread water for so long.

I feel like leaving a moment of silence here, for honoring that grief. It gets to me. You can see why I’m on a mission to help people find the shore.

Let’s explore this idea of why I think you’re closer than you think.

You ARE closer than you think, to whatever is feeling stuck right now. Oh my, that is even hard for me to believe in this moment. It was a tough day. Do you feel that doubt too? Whatever feels stuck can feel so daunting sometimes.

And yet, I know it’s true. We are closer than we think to getting unstuck.

Try This:

Think back to a year ago and recall a few things that felt so hard or confusing. Notice the ones that are flowing more easily now. Maybe you even forgot about them because it’s a non-issue now.

I see this same pattern with all parts of our career or life journey. We get so sure we won’t get to that next goal, feeling like we’re swimming upstream again.

And then we finally take the weekend to rest, and bam, the answer is right in front of us on Monday morning. It seems like magic. We find the downstream feeling again. (Reminder to self: Rest really helps!)

It Takes Stamina for the Big Stuff.

It’s true that it takes stamina and patience to realize a big goal. One…step…at…a…time. Keep… going.

Edison, and his team, tried  6,000 different components to create the filament for the light bulb. 6,000! He trusted he would get there so he just kept experimenting. He wasn’t a lucky guy. He was a determined guy. And what a difference it made for all of us.

It Can Require Receiving Help.

Edison wasn’t alone. He had a team.

Often it takes getting help from outside our own spinning brains. If it feels too hard and it’s staying stuck, it’s time to get help. That’s how you know it’s time. It’s not a failure, it’s a blessing that you are hearing the signal.

Special thanks to a friend for posting the Edison quote online which inspired me in an uninspired moment. That, in turn, inspired me to write this post.

For me, I talk things out with my coach to help stop the spinning mind and find my way on the “map” again. It humbles me how much I can get lost on my own and unable to see the shore. I love providing that clarifying support as a coach for others.

Oh but the challenge of letting in support? I know that one. I wrote about it here:
Connection That Works For Introverts and HSPs. (We Need Connection Too.)

Think About It.

What’s coming to you now?

I invite your comment about this idea, below. If you want more confidence boosters like this, please subscribe below.

Picture of Val Nelson

Val Nelson

I’ve been a self-employed career/business/purpose coach since 2009. I help introverts and HSPs (like me) who want to make a difference — in a way that fits our energy and our practical needs too. ~ Val Nelson
Coaching | SOULpreneurs Circle | Courses | Newsletter | LinkedIn

I appreciate feedback, good and bad. You can comment below or email.

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4 thoughts on “You Are Closer Than You Think”

  1. The Edison quote is so incredibly inspiring Val. Thank YOU for putting it out there, and for wrapping it in your own words of inspiration. Getting to the point where you finally understand what you need to overcome the next barrier is such a huge step. Finding the right person to help you through it … priceless. I can see how you are successful at what you do. Looking forward to seeing you at PodCamp West. (and btw love your site. very cool).

  2. Val, this is such a great post. I always appreciate the reminder to rest and revitalize. Also, this line especially resonated with me: “Think back to a year ago and recall things that felt so hard or confusing.” It’s so important to take a moment and soak up all the goodness that has come from our efforts…especially when we are feeling stuck. You are such an inspiration — thank you!

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