In early December, I notice people start feeling the new year worries and wonderings about their work and life overall. For me and others, imagining the coming year can feel like a big foggy unknown, with some hope trying to peek through the mist.
4 things that help me when facing the new year:
- I honor that I’m drawn to widen the lens to a whole year, but it’s better for me if I start by looking back on this year’s accomplishments and gratitudes, and breathe it in. It’s restorative. (I invite you to do the same. There’s more there than you think.)
- Then I like to choose a word for the year, like a positive intention or north star drawing me forward. My word for 2024 has been Community and leaning into that has been so nourishing.
- Then I do some visioning and some priority setting one season at a time rather than defining the whole year too specifically. I’m defining my winter plan now, keeping my winter energy level in mind. I make sure it all aligns with my purpose and my strengths (which I clarified a while ago).
- I talk over my vision and goals with kindred spirits (including with a coach), which helps it come into more clarity of focus and inspiration.
I believe that what you choose matters…
To your well-being.
To those who benefit from your gifts.
To those around you who benefit from the glow of you being you.
But how to choose your direction can be hard, whether it’s choosing your career path, or your next priorities.
I’ve got a few calming resources for that below. 😊
They’re all designed especially for introverts and highly sensitive people (HSPs), like myself.
Calming Circles for Clarifying and Reaching Your Goals
I find that a calming container, and the collective wisdom and shared understanding in a kindred spirit circle is transformative.
Perhaps one of these group containers, designed especially for introverts and HSPs, will speak to you:
for Career Questioning:
- Career Clarity for Introverts and HSPs
- Could I Leave My 9-5? Self-employment for Introverts and HSPs.
for Solopreneurs (at any stage):
- SOULpreneurs – a small group of heart-centered solopreneurs (e.g., coaches, writers, healing arts).
- The HeartFlow Collective – a small community for getting the right work done, with more flow. Weekly co-working and quarterly/seasonal planning sessions.
My New Year Wishes for You
May you find some appreciation of all that you are and all that you have at this year-end reflection time.
May you find a well of support and momentum so that the goals that matter to you can really happen.