
Truth: There is nothing to fix about you. It’s just about allowing.

Truth: There is nothing to fix about you. It’s just about allowing.

I find myself saying this to myself and others a lot: “There is nothing to fix about you. It’s just about allowing.”

When this message just came to me many years ago, the truth of it hit me even though I didn’t get it right away.

I discovered it means many things to me. It means I’m not broken. I don’t have to squash myself to do things someone else’s way.

When I tune in to this knowing, it brings calm, and clarity of focus. It’s a good compass for choosing direction and making decisions. I’ll explain.

Nature sand designs at the ocean - Allowing
The sand is so good at allowing the water to make beautiful designs. There is surely nothing to fix in nature, or in you and me.

No Fixing Myself to Be Successful. Examples:

For instance I don’t need an extrovert mask to be successful as an introvert. I can do things my way, including marketing my business in ways that fit who I am, that actually feel good to me.

It’s about allowing my natural flow to lead the way, in marketing or anything. For instance, it’s more natural for me to listen first and then respond. And that happens to work for building meaningful connections that support my life and business.

An attitude of Allowing also means if I find my heart is drawn to talking to a stranger on the street, it’s OK to allow that. I can trust my instincts. And if I find myself wanting to avoid it, it’s OK to allow that too.

This has led to so much freedom and magical connections. I mean, deeply meaningful connections that only happened because I trusted that felt sense of allowing. No forcing myself needed.

And if I don’t want to make myself have an elevator pitch or go to a networking event, that’s OK too. (That’s what happened and it’s been fine.)

Allowing myself to be me has been the cornerstone of making business work for me as an introvert and a highly sensitive person (HSP).

Turns out authenticity is just better for everyone.

What about fixing weaknesses?

Nope. Not needed. Truly. Research shows it doesn’t help you much to focus on weaknesses.

What does help you with success and happiness is to focus on your strengths. Once you know what they are. You’ll know you’re using your strengths when it feels like allowing you to be you. So good! (FYI: Your “Worst” Trait Could Be Your Superpower.)

As an example, if you just feel drained every time you think about commanding the room, don’t focus on that and instead find ways to influence that are built on your natural talents like research and writing, or collaborating.

There are many ways to be a leader, a business owner, or someone who makes a difference in any way. Your way is the one that will work best for you.

Wrapping Up

I’ll say it again:
There’s nothing to fix about you. It’s just about allowing what feels natural.

If you believed that for yourself, what would be possible?

One time I mentioned this concept to a business coaching client at the start of our session and it led to such a beautiful conversation to explore how it could apply. We continued to come back to it over and over. Which then led to so many good and joyful decisions for her, aligned with her true self. It inspired me in return.

That one message felt like the crux of our work together, and perhaps the core of all my work.

Picture of Val Nelson

Val Nelson

I’ve been a self-employed career/business/purpose coach since 2009. I help introverts and HSPs (like me) who want to make a difference — in a way that fits our energy and our practical needs too. ~ Val Nelson
Coaching | SOULpreneurs Circle | Courses | Newsletter | LinkedIn

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