My Story from Shy Girl to Confident Self-employed Introvert and HSP
My story of how I ended up where I am today, making self-employment work by doing what aligns with my being introverted and highly sensitive, and my wanting to make a difference.
My story of how I ended up where I am today, making self-employment work by doing what aligns with my being introverted and highly sensitive, and my wanting to make a difference.
The market feels so full of noise and free offers. What should you do about your offers right now? Here’s a video conversation where we provide some insights and solutions especially for introverts.
Finding your balance when life inside you or in the news feels overwhelming. Seeing injustice when you care so much is hard. 7 simple things that help me.
Tips for introverts on how to handle delicate conversations, especially at work. From my advice column about handling a chatty coworker.
Why meetings are hard for introverts, how to make introvert-friendly meetings, and a few tips to survive the not-so-fun meetings. (This is a classic concern for introverts. It’s not you. It’s bad meetings.)
Real-life question and answer on dealing with required online discussions at work that felt so awkward for this introvert. Includes: introverts strengths for online discussions, 4 key tips to make online interactions easier.
Ack, conflict. Tough for most of us. And at work with all that pressure? Or in a community group where you care so much but then we can’t get along? Tips for Introverts on how to make it easier.
Marketing angst is the most common concern I hear from introverts who are self-employed or considering self-employment. Here’s some hope and guidance related to social media and beyond social media.
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Since 2009, I’ve had the honor of helping people to hear and activate their true callings. My clients are introverted and/or HSP women, like me.
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It might not feel like it right now, but work can be energizing and fulfilling, even for introverts and HSPs. There is a way. Here are 3 paths to find your way to your right career path.
Self-employment guidance especially for introverts and HSPs. So you can have the sustainable, meaningful, and calm life you crave.
Does it seem like everyone else has it figured out? Let me light the way for your exploration around career, life purpose, or self-employment.