
Unconferences Are the Ultimate Networking Experience

Unconferences Are the Ultimate Networking Experience

Photo: Connecting at PodCampI love a good “unconference.” Have you heard of this idea? They are taking place all over the world on every topic.

The peer-to-peer structure of an unconference makes for the ultimate learning and networking experience — even for an introvert like me!

Here’s my ode to unconferences and the one I recently attended, called PodCamp Western Mass.

In February, I attended my second PodCamp, which is an “unconference” about social media.

I love this event for more than what I learn there. It’s the people connections (also called “networking”) that make it so valuable (and fun!) for me.

Conferences vs. Unconferences

We planned the day with sticky notes on a wall.
We planned the day together using sticky notes on a wall.

A little background about the differences:

  • Unconferences can be about any topic, just like a conference.
  • Unconferences are also called “BarCamps,” a tongue-in-cheek name based on the first one of its kind.
  • Conference organizers choose “expert” speakers in advance.
  • Whereas an unconference typically has people come together at the beginning of the day to decide what they want to learn and then people volunteer to lead the sessions.
  • At unconferences, often there’s more time and space for connecting casually between sessions. At conferences, the structure is not as conducive to peer socializing.
  • Typical conference sessions include “experts” talking at you in a big lecture hall.
  • Many BarCamp sessions have a discussion or roundtable structure to them. And sometimes a more experienced person leads a session for newbies, in the spirit of helping everyone gain a solid foundation.

Making Meaningful Connections at Unconferences

There’s something about the non-hierarchical style that draws the right energy for networking and long-lasting meaningful connections. More peer-to-peer friendliness and helpfulness; less showing off who knows more.

Of course, friendly styles and show-off styles happen at all events, but I find the friendly factor is more likely at an unconference.

Making in-person connections at an event like Podcamp and keeping the conversation going online is a powerful networking combination. Nothing will ever replace meaningful in-person connections, but you can too easily lose touch without adding something ongoing.

Combining online and offline networking is exactly what I talked about on a social media panel at PodCamp this year. (My next post explores that combination in detail.)

Want To Check Out an Unconference?

You can find or create a BarCamp on any topic you can think of. I’ve seen them on everything from yoga to real estate.

Maybe I’ll see you at the next PodCamp Western Mass. The social media focus of PodCamp is relevant to nearly anyone. Everyone is welcome, whether 16 or 65, newbie or advanced.

My PodCamp Western Mass Review

Having been to a big city BarCamp, I have to brag that my local PodCamp Western Mass (PCWM) is the best. I mean, we got t-shirts that said “This one time, at PodCamp…” Love it.

Perhaps it’s the smaller size, the focus on social media (which seems to draw particularly friendly people), or something about Western Mass being such a friendly culture. I’m sure it also has something to do with the dedicated and thoughtful organizers — Morriss Partee, Kelly Galanis, and Jaclyn Stevenson — not to mention tons more who helped.

What’s extra nice about an event about social media is that it’s natural for us to stay in regular contact via Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. And then there’s all the fun stuff PodCampers make after the event: videos, photos, and blog posts from PodCamp Western Mass. Prolific, talented folks!

If I could change one thing about PCWM, there would be even more of that peer-to-peer energy in each session, such as classrooms set up as circles of peers instead of lined up in rows.

Well, if I’m going to have opinions, it might be time for me to help out with the planning. That would be the true spirit of a BarCamp — jump right in.

I have learned a lot of practical things at the PodCamps I’ve attended, but for me, the gold is in the personal connections I’ve developed that continue over time.

Thank you PodCampers for a great event!

What do you think about unconferences and/or PodCamp? Leave your comments below.

Picture of Val Nelson

Val Nelson

I’ve been a self-employed career/business/purpose coach since 2009. I help introverts and HSPs (like me) who want to make a difference — in a way that fits our energy and our practical needs too. ~ Val Nelson
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