
I Opened My Heart and Found Strength, Not Weakness

I Opened My Heart and Found Strength, Not Weakness

I learned an important lesson about the heart when I went to my father’s funeral many years ago. The day he died, a friend came over and took me for a walk in the February chill and listened to my worries.

I told her I was afraid I couldn’t handle all the emotions, and that I was especially afraid to be at the funeral and feel raw emotions in front of everyone when I felt so vulnerable. It was one of those major shy moments when I wanted to hide.

[image: rose quartz heart]She gave me a gift that has helped me with that fear ever since. She gave me a rose quartz heart to keep in my pocket. She said it was a symbol that I could be strong like a rock, and have an open heart at the same time. I started to imagine that maybe strength could coexist with an open heart.

So I tried it at the funeral.  I held tight to that heart in my pocket, reminding me I was strong and OK to have feelings too. I did it. I cried in front of people, even felt so messy in front of people. Very hard for a shy girl. And I didn’t make myself talk when I didn’t want to. Definitely no talking from the pulpit either. Yikes.

I let it be OK just to be. And I realized being me was a strength. It felt OK, even strong. This was such a revolutionary concept for me at the time.

At the same time, other parts of my life were very challenging, so I was overwhelmed on many levels. This one lesson of opening my heart helped me get through it all, eventually.

It was a slow process of recovery, to be sure. But all along the way, I was letting my heart melt in a new way, and I knew that was good. It felt good and it was helping me in so many ways. It changed me for the better.

I had my heart broken open. And that, makes you stronger! Not weaker!

An open heart helps me in close relationships and beyond. It helps me share myself openly, such as when I started a business and launched this blog, revealing my vulnerabilities to the world.

The more I turn to my heart and let it out in the open, the stronger I feel, and the happier I feel. And the more successful I am in my work! It’s not something I would have predicted, but it works.

Do you believe opening your heart can make you stronger? Think about it.

If it’s a struggle for you, I recommend the rose quartz heart in your pocket. Little by little, you will gradually enjoy the benefits. The thought of opening up is far more scary than the opening itself.

Picture of Val Nelson

Val Nelson

I’ve been a self-employed career/business/purpose coach since 2009. I help introverts and HSPs (like me) who want to make a difference — in a way that fits our energy and our practical needs too. ~ Val Nelson
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2 thoughts on “I Opened My Heart and Found Strength, Not Weakness”

  1. Love this so much, Val! Thank you for writing it. I am going through this exact worry right now- does my grief make me weak, will expressing it make me weaker? It helps so much to hear that strength can be found moving through it all 🙂

    1. Tina, I’m so glad to hear it was helpful and that it resonates. I hear you. You are strong and you get to have feelings too. It goes together. So countercultural but so true.

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