
Be Heart-Centered in Business…Out Loud

Be Heart-Centered in Business…Out Loud

Vulnerable can be so bold.
A role model for vulnerability.

You know it’s time for a new blog post when a topic comes up in multiple conversations in the same week. So here’s this week’s theme.

My clients are heart-centered people, and many of them struggle to express that side of themselves out loud — especially in the business world. But we all need to go there.

We tell ourselves: “Can’t say that, that’s too mushy,” “That’s too personal,” or “They’ll think I’m not smart.”

I know you’re heart-centered, but your dry “business speak” is not showing it. If you let it show more, it actually helps you in business. Here’s some proof and some examples.

If you need a practical reason to say it out loud (or in any business communications), here’s the kicker: our holding back on our hearts is getting in the way of our success… and happiness.

Showing our caring human side is exactly what will draw the audience and results we want. Not to mention it just feels better.

The Proof that Heart-Centered = Better Results

For anyone who needs a little encouragement, here’s the evidence:

  1. Check your own buying decisions. You often make spending choices based on how you feel about a business or product, right? And don’t you feel better about the businesses that seem to care? Don’t you prefer the ones with thoughtful live people on the other end of the customer service call?
  2. It’s proven that the most loyal customers are the ones who got the most honest helpful responses after a company made a mistake. People become more loyal when someone admits a mistake. Think about that. We get to be imperfect, authentic, and successful at the same time! Phew.
  3. If you read blogs, aren’t you most drawn to the ones where the writer seems light-hearted, funny, vulnerable, or just plain real? You wouldn’t read it otherwise.
  4. Oprah. The epitome of open-hearted =  big success. Need I say more?

Go Past Your Comfort Zone

Go a little past your comfort zone and then you’re probably in the right place. Get in above your elbows. That’s where the gold is!

You are already heart-centered, so all you have to do now is let it come out in your words — on your website, in emails, LinkedIn, brochures, phone conversations, and at that dreaded networking event. Why hold back anywhere?

I’m not asking you to be something you’re not, like wearing an extrovert mask. Please don’t.

The key is to reveal more of the real you — mistakes, stuttering, and all. What makes it feel hard is thinking we have to be perfect. Go forth and be messy. (Why you get tongue-tied and what to do.)

You don’t have to share everything or push yourself to be something you’re not. Find a middle ground that is authentic and in service of your audience.

Heart-Centered Communication Sample

Here are three different styles for a LinkedIn status update. Which one would make you click to read more?

Old formal business style:
“New Article: Best Practices for Business Newsletters”

Heart-centered business style:
“I hope this saves you from my mistakes: 10 Things I’ll Never Do Again with My Newsletter”

Bolder heart-centered style:
“Ouch, I just learned a hard lesson on what not to say in a business newsletter. I hope my readers know how much I love them even when I goof up. I wrote about in my new post.”

Can you see how none of these is outlandish? I don’t see it as oversharing. I see it as real and inviting.

OK, what’s your bold social post going to be? Tell me below and I promise I’ll become a fan.

My bold action for the moment is to hit “publish” before I make sure there are no mistakes in this post. OK, here goes.

Related Post from the Blogosphere

Picture of Val Nelson

Val Nelson

I’ve been a self-employed career/business/purpose coach since 2009. I help introverts and HSPs (like me) who want to make a difference — in a way that fits our energy and our practical needs too. ~ Val Nelson
Coaching | SOULpreneurs Circle | Courses | Newsletter | LinkedIn

I appreciate feedback, good and bad. You can comment below or email.

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