
The Latest News in My One-year-old Business

The Latest News in My One-year-old Business

Here’s my Spring 2010 update after being at this self-employment journey for a little over a year.

I’m a bit sporadic with my blogging. Yep, something has to give sometimes.

I notice a lot of my fellow business owners let their blogs take a back seat sometimes. If that’s you too, that’s OK. Blogging is great (why), but it’s true that you have to focus first on the lowest hanging fruit when you’re trying to earn a living.

So, for today, instead of a regular blog post, here are some snippets from my world, kind of like the best of my Twitter updates.

  1. I was a guest blogger on Soc Media 101 today.
  2. I’ll be speaking on a small business panel in Springfield, MA, later this week:
    Topic: The Small Business Experience/Creating a Social Media Plan
    Date: April 15, 2010, 9:00 am – noon
    Sponsor: Mass. Small Business Development Center (MSBDC)
  3. I have more career and business coaching clients lately and I’m loving working with them. I see them taking off in amazing ways. Wish I could tell you more but it’s confidential. They inspire me!
  4. I’m about to run an ad about my career and business coaching in Many Hands, a local magazine for holistic living. I’ll see what happens.
  5. I’ve been trying to read too many books at once (my typical bad habit), but the main focus of the moment is Linchpin, by Seth Godin. It’s a powerful read about the paradigm shift we’re in regarding work, and the importance of being able to describe what makes you indispensable, also known as personal branding.
  6. I just got this book and can already highly recommend it:
    Switch: How to Change Things When Change Is Hard
  7. I now have an awesome graphic designer and a bookkeeper to rely on as part of my team. Aaahh, shoulders relaxing already. (Being solo doesn’t have to be lonely!)
  8. I took over the office lease where I was already subletting. Feels like a big step. My new officemate and I are almost done with redecorating.

Thanks for stopping by. Wanna chime in with your latest updates, books…? Comments always welcome below.

When I’m not blogging, you can follow me on LinkedIn.

Picture of Val Nelson

Val Nelson

I’ve been a self-employed career/business/purpose coach since 2009. I help introverts and HSPs (like me) who want to make a difference — in a way that fits our energy and our practical needs too. ~ Val Nelson
Coaching | SOULpreneurs Circle | Courses | Newsletter | LinkedIn

I appreciate feedback, good and bad. You can comment below or email.

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4 thoughts on “The Latest News in My One-year-old Business”

  1. Thanks everyone for those positive comments. Joan, yes, my graphic designer, Christine Polaczak, made the ad, based on my card. Now she's making signs for my office building. Yea!

    Mary, yes, it's a good week for the cobbler's children but I'm definitely guilty of the cobbler's syndrome quite a bit of the time.

  2. Great news, all. Love the ad! Inspiring to see you doing for yourself what you help others with. Maybe the cobbler's children can wear shoes after all!

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