
News Overwhelm? A love note and some restoration.

News Overwhelm? A love note and some restoration.

Feeling the weight of grief or worry for loved ones, or people you don’t even know but still care about, or the whole world!? I feel for you. I feel it too. Whew. This is hard stuff. Here’s how I’m taking care, and what I’ve learned.

I read this morning about how getting saturated with hard news clips and images can create long-lasting second-hand trauma. ❤️‍🩹 That’s serious.

I was reminded of these important tips for managing this so that we don’t fall into our own trauma, anxiety, or burnout…

  1. We all need to be careful to only take in hard news in moderation. Breaks are allowed and healthy.
  2. When choosing to take in news, reading text can be easier on us than watching videos.
  3. Instead of taking in so much over and over, you might find a small step to support a cause, and know that you’re taking action. It helps me stay out of a vague “figuring it out” mode (not that I could figure it out).
  4. One of the best antidotes to empathy fatigue/heaviness is to balance it with self-compassion, which is available anytime. That way the vessel of you is getting filled up at the same time as giving. As I see it, it helps to create a flow of caring, instead of just one-way caring that can suck my well dry.
  5. When you can, allow in compassion from others too. Keep filling your cup.
  6. Being in nature, looking around and listening, is just so good for us. I love noticing that the birds are still singing, despite it all, and even in winter.
Filling your cup - keep the flow going. Photo by Oleksandr.
Let’s keep the flow of caring going, allowing it IN as much as out. This is hard for me but the more I do, the better I feel. Let’s do this even if it feels hard.

But there’s so much to do…

I have to watch out for the inner voice that says, “But there’s so much to do…. There’s no time to stop.”

I am reminding myself and now you, that if we’re thinking there’s no time for compassion and breathing when something is “on fire,” we are at high risk of burnout and losing our ability to be there for others.

I remind myself over and over that it could simply start with taking 3 breaths. It is surprisingly helpful.

How I’m taking care…

I recently listened to a self-compassion loving-kindness guided meditation by Kristin Neff (a well-known expert on self-compassion), and found it quite restorative.

Then a little time in nature doubled the effect. I was so glad I paused to do these, after a period of going going, worrying worrying.

Having caring friends to turn to is also an essential ingredient for me.

Note to self: keep doing all of this. That includes today.

Now that my cup is filled a bit more, I am sending you compassion too, keeping the flow going. Let’s keep filling those cups that could otherwise get depleted, and that leads no where good.

#compassion #secondhandtrauma #selfcompassion #copingwithnews

Picture of Val Nelson

Val Nelson

I’ve been a self-employed career/business/purpose coach since 2009. I help introverts and HSPs (like me) who want to make a difference — in a way that fits our energy and our practical needs too. ~ Val Nelson
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