
Video Interview: My Inside View on Career and Business for Introverts

Video Interview: My Inside View on Career and Business for Introverts

I was interviewed last month about my work as a career and business coach and my views about introverts in business. It was a fun conversation. You can watch our intimate conversation here.

We got into a lot of deep topics about making career choices, how self-employment can work for caring introverts, how I deal with some of my challenges, as well as things I’m really passionate about.

I’m amazed at how much of my interests and philosophy we were able to cover. I’ve got the video for you below.

Topics we covered:

  1. Why people can’t see their own strengths and why knowing them is a key to making your work much easier.
  2. How introversion is a strength (more than you know).
  3. How introverts are naturally good at business and marketing.
  4. The problem with thinking work has to be hard, when it can and should be joyful. (Work should be fun.)
  5. How to price your heart-centered services and deal with the inner conflicts about that. (Finding the sweet spot of fair exchange.)
  6. Introvert-friendly ways to attract clients.
  7. How “going it alone” all the time is a path to burnout and how introverts and solopreneurs find their way of co-creating, including how I co-create. (Always in balance with our needed alone time too.)
  8. My framework for how to clarity and activate the “best use of you” even in this time of great uncertainty.
  9. My courses, including my Career Clarity Course for Introverts.
  10. Perfection, the connection to introversion, my struggle with it, and how I get around it and get things done.
  11. How I use my strength of empathy for my marketing.
  12. My passion for anti-racism, inclusion, social justice.
  13. Where to find me online.

I hope you enjoy it.

Watch here:

The interviewer is George Kao, a business consultant/trainer who understands authentic business.

I’d love to hear your reactions to some of what I said. Anything surprising in there? You can comment below.

P.S. By the way, when I talked about co-creation, even for introverts, I don’t mean we need to work in teams. Solo focus time is still really important!! I just mean there are ways to not have to do everything alone. We need others for things like referrals and connections, help with technology, and doing the things you don’t like doing, and for getting useful feedback.

Picture of Val Nelson

Val Nelson

I’ve been a self-employed career/business/purpose coach since 2009. I help introverts and HSPs (like me) who want to make a difference — in a way that fits our energy and our practical needs too. ~ Val Nelson
Coaching | SOULpreneurs Circle | Courses | Newsletter | LinkedIn

I appreciate feedback, good and bad. You can comment below or email.

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Can I Leave My 9-5? How introverts and HSPs make self‑employment work.

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